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Our Sustainability Journey.

Updated 17th May 2023

Working towards complete sustainability

We are on a journey towards complete sustainability, these are the key elements that we use to challenge and measure ourselves…
  1. ‘Think Sustainability’ – Continual education of our team to be aware of our environmental impact across all our actions no matter how small they may seem.
  2. Uphold our Environmental Responsibility – we are committed to eco-friendly purchasing, manufacturing, distribution and recycling.
  3. Pledge to maintain our Carbon Neutral status..
As a responsible business, we believe in environmental sustainability to help preserve the natural resources of our planet. We achieved Carbon Neutral status in 2022 and we are committed to maintaining it and reducing our carbon footprint every year.

Our goal is complete sustainability, we work towards that goal by implementing stringent measures throughout our business. We educate our team to ‘Think Sustainability’ in all aspects of their work. Throughout new product development, purchasing, marketing, selling and transportation, we strive to choose the most sustainable and eco-friendly option.

In early 2022 we reviewed all our packaging to eliminate plastics and replaced them with paper-based alternatives where possible.

We actively encourage our partners to use electronic ordering and management solutions rather than traditional paper-based systems hence reducing paper usage. We provide digital, literature, media and communications wherever possible.

Carbon Off-Setting

We embarked on a Carbon Offsetting program in 2022, our carbon usage was calculated and offset for 2021 via a regulated and recognised project. Each year we follow the same process to offset our usage for the previous year. Due to our positive actions, we expect to see a reduced usage each year as we work towards complete sustainability.

Benchmarks are set to enable us to achieve reduction targets and develop methods of improvement. We are highly committed to this program and for complete transparency, we publish our progress online for all to see.

For us, this is not a box ticking exercise. We genuinely recognise the importance of complete sustainability for the good of our planet and future generations.

Our sustainability pledge at MCR Safety Europe

We welcome everyone to follow our journey…

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