+44 (0) 1922 457421

We Protect People.


GDPR Privacy Policy.

Issue 1.0 May 24th, 2018


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the following document details the data we hold on you as an individual and how we manage your data. We believe that our relationship with you as our customer is based on trust and as such we take the protection and integrity of your data very seriously.

We understand that there is a lot of information in this document, but we want you to be fully informed about your rights, and how MCR Safety uses your data.

It is likely that we’ll need to update this Privacy Notice from time to time and when we do we will notify you of any significant changes. We also believe in keeping things clear and easy to understand so to help everyone we have created tables that clearly define the data we hold, why we use the data, on what legal basis we hold and use the data, the retention period and your associated rights.

As part of our audit we have challenged every part of our process and assessed whether the data we hold is needed in order to perform our service to you. If we do hold your data it is because we believe that it is needed in order to fulfil our service levels and requirements as part of our ongoing commitment.

Our web-systems have also changed to ensure that you opt-in to any transaction and we want you to be assured that you always have an absolute right to prevent us holding and storing any data that we hold about you for marketing activities.

If you ever wish to contact us to establish what data we hold, if you need to correct data or if you wish for your data to be removed then please call our customer care team on +44 (0) 1922 457421 or visit www.mcrsafetyeurope/GDPR-Policy.aspx for the latest notices and policy.


The law on data protection sets out a number of different reasons for which a company may collect and process your personal data, including:


In specific situations we can collect and process your data with your consent.

When collecting your personal data, we’ll always make clear to you which data is necessary in connection with a particular service.


In certain circumstances, we need your personal data to comply with our contractual obligations.


If the law requires us to, we may need to collect and process your data.


Below are the tables defining the data we hold by the processes that we undertake in order to provide the delivery of our product and services to you.


T1: The data we collect and use when you complete and we process an EyeTicket®

Data Held Defined Purpose Why Is data required to perform task Can process be carried out in any other way Do we need to store data Lawful Basis Storage of data time period Action on when time elapsed Individuals rights Access information Data used for marketing purposes Sharing of information Data only used for this process Right of correction
Employee name Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years


Online Form / contacting customer services

No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Employee mobile/email address Notification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 95 Days Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Employee Eye Prescription Details Legal Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 2 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Clock Number Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Department Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Order Number Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Name of site Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Cost centre Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Prescription No / Barcode Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Spectacle specification e.g. Frame and lenses Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Place of work Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes

T2: The data we collect and use when we collect and process a prescription form

Data Held Defined Purpose Why Is data required to perform task Can process be carried out in any other way Do we need to store data Lawful Basis Storage of data time period Action on when time elapsed Individuals rights Access information Data used for marketing purposes Sharing of information Data only used for this process Right of correction
Employee name Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Employee mobile/email address Notification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 95 Days Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Employee Eye Prescription Details Legal Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 2 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Clock Number Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Department Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Order Number Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Name of site Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Cost centre Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Prescription No / Barcode Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Spectacle specification e.g. Frame and lenses Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes
Place of work Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent 7 years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No company /optical provider / individual Yes Yes

T3: The data we collect and use when we process your retail prescription eyewear

Data Held Defined Purpose Why Is data required to perform task Can process be carried out in any other way Do we need to store data Lawful Basis Storage of data time period Action on when time elapsed Individuals rights Access information Data used for marketing purposes Sharing of information Data only used for this process Right of correction
Patients Name Identification Yes No Yes Consent / Contract Indefinitely   Contacting Retail Representative Yes Individual / Parmelee No Yes
Prescription Details Identification Yes No Yes Consent / Contract 2 Years 2 Years Contacting Retail Representative No Individual / Parmelee No Yes
Date of RX Identification Yes No Yes Consent / Contract 2 Years 2 Years Contacting Retail Representative Yes Individual / Parmelee No Yes
Address Identification No No Yes Consent / Contract Indefinitely   Contacting Retail Representative Yes Individual / Parmelee No Yes
Telephone Number Identification Yes No Yes Consent / Contract Indefinitely   Contacting Retail Representative Yes Individual / Parmelee No Yes
DOB Identification Yes No Yes Consent / Contract Indefinitely   Contacting Retail Representative Yes Individual / Parmelee No Yes
Invoice Legal Yes No Yes Legal 7 Years 2 Years Contacting Retail Representative No Individual / Parmelee No Yes

T4: The data we hold on your invoices

Data Held Defined Purpose Why Is data required to perform task Can process be carried out in any other way Do we need to store data Lawful Basis Storage of data time period Action on when time elapsed Individuals rights Access information Data used for marketing purposes Sharing of information Data only used for this process Right of correction
Employee name Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Clock Number Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Department Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Order Number Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Name of site Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Cost centre Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Prescription No / Barcode Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Spectacle specification e.g. Frame and lenses Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes
Place of work Identification Yes No Yes Contractual / Consent / Legal 7 Years Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services No Company / HMRC / Legal Yes Yes

T5: The data we hold about you for our marketing purposes

Data Held Defined Purpose Why Is data required to perform task Can process be carried out in any other way Do we need to store data Lawful Basis Storage of data time period Action on when time elapsed Individuals rights Access information Data used for marketing purposes Sharing of information Data only used for this process Right of correction
Employee name Identification Yes No Yes Consent Indefinately Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services Yes Company Yes Yes
Company Name Identification Yes No Yes Consent Indefinately Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services Yes Company Yes Yes
Company Address Identification Yes No Yes Consent Indefinately Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services Yes Company Yes Yes
Employee Email Identification Yes No Yes Consent Indefinately Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services Yes Company Yes Yes
Company Telephone Identification Yes No Yes Consent Indefinately Destroy Online Form / contacting customer services Yes Company Yes Yes

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